Saturday, August 8, 2009

Kiwanis Triathlon!!

Hey as you know today was the day of the Kiwanis kids triathlon! As you also know my dad said I was going to give my comments. The race in my opinion was very well organized (and dad thought the same thing.) The swim and the first transition were very well organized. They had a mat down at the first transition so that the computer chips knew that you had done the swim and started the bike time. The only part that wasn't very organized was the bike. Like dad said the people monitoring the bike ride weren't keeping track of how many times kids had been around the course and that's what's good about the bracelet thing. You get a bracelet for every time you cross the start line. That's not how they did it today. Instead they used computer chips to monitor time not the number of bike laps. The next transition was just like the first. There was a mat where you dismounted your bike and when you crossed that it started the run and included your 2nd transition. The run was a half mile so that was good. At the end of the run they had generators that stopped the computer chip when you passed it. My overall opinion was that the race was a great warm-up and a great first triathlon!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on a terrific first triathlon! That's a real bummer about the bike portion, but bottom doesn't really matter. You know what you did, and now you know what it's like to race in a competition. It would be nice to have an acurate account of how you did in comparison to the others, but if you are comfortable competing, you need to go to Alpharetta and give it a shot. I've already made the hotel reservations!!!! See you there if you decide to compete.
